Thursday, September 25, 2008

Volleyball game #1.

It sucked a lot. Maybe the worst loss in CM history, but....

well, they didn't have an image for "Monkeys will rise again." And I didn't want to use the South will rise again, because, well, that's creepy. No disrespect to my homeys from the south.

But seriously, our game sucked a lot. Alex had an Alex, which was fun for the rest of us, but the referee asked me to calm him down. I asked what I was supposed to do. Classic stuff for Alex and Mike.

We do welcome to the fold Emilie and Kathy, but not Tim.


RomanX said...

Hmm...seems the financial crisis has infected our play. Perhaps we should suspend our season till.....

Tracy said...

Did Alex charge the ref with the ball, because I believe that would be an official "Alex"....

RomanX said...

Hmm...perhaps we need to drink before the game....

Teach said...

Was the ref Buddy? His son is is my homeroom class this year, he better watch out or I'll be sure to give his son a detention.